Back in the day, (early 1990s), during my “coming of age” (which took entirely too long), I spent an abundance of my time delving into the dark side of information systems. I wasn’t a “hacker” per-se, I was a researcher. I wasn’t breaking into computers to glean info, I was reading the info that was stolen by others. The way I looked at it, if someone else stole the info and put it out in the public domain, who was I to say I shouldn’t read it? A lot of other folks thought (and think) the same thing. What was I researching? Anything that I was told was “secret” and was previously hidden from the average citizen. I felt that (and I still do feel this way) that anything the government doesn’t want us to know about is worth knowing. Hence, a life-long fascination with knowledge in general, conspiracy theories in particular and enlightenment more than anything else.

This fascination led to a little trouble. If you allow yourself to be so engrossed in this information (trust me, I’ve seen it in others), it will consume you. Some folks take it with a grain of salt. Some folks don’t believe a word of it. Some folks are able to digest the info and attempt to make some sense out of it. Others, well, others get so deeply involved, their minds reflect a combination of Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, L. Ron Hubbard, Jim Morrison and Aleister Crowley all doing massive amounts of blotter acid while analyzing abstract art. I was on the edge. I dang neared tipped over and flowed toward the dark corners of conspiracy circles. For some reason, I took a step back…. and I am glad I did.

What I am attempting to do with this particular website is to show how the concept of controlling the information has changed over the years. “Back in the day“, it was simply misinformation released by the government. The press ate it up, because the leaks were crafted in such a manner (by the government) the press could not resist the temptation. In our modern world, I still see a little of this, but the bias in the media is producing 80% of the misinformation (Fake News) FOR the government. The left side of the political spectrum (which includes MANY republicans) plays right into the hands of the authoritarians in power. The authoritarian government functionaries are puppets for the Elitists. The Elitists masquerade as bleeding heart liberals, when in reality, they’re the ultimate in authoritarians. If one can lead the masses to believe that more government control and overreach is “good for the children“, then they can take small bits and pieces of our personal freedom, “in the name of security“.

While I do a lot of writing pertaining to freedom, liberty, the founding fathers, and the like, this blog will attempt to show the strategy, not so much as the content, of how the players are making it happen.